Monday, October 11, 2010

After the first week

Students have been working with their 'job' groups for the past 5 days. All the groups decided to break the job into sections and work on their own sections for a few days. They are now working to compile the information into a coherent document to take back to their groups. For this section I have 3 students working together at 1 computer and working through all the research to make a document with an introduction and subsections. This will likely go on for one or two more periods, but I feel it is a very important step so that all members are very familiar with the information and also so there will be a concise coherent document for others to use. So far we are on track for time, but this part might take one extra day.
Right now, I am reviewing all the documents and giving feedback on areas they have missed, referencing that is not done properly. When their document is compiled I will have the individuals from another group read their work and give feedback on what they found hard to understand and how easy and logical the document was to read.

The engagement has been incredible this week. For example, one girl was home from school due to an injury and she found out when we had science class and was on the google doc during class time so she could work with her group. I also did have one boy who thought he was done his part so decided to play a game without telling me, so as with most things, it goes both ways. To his credit, his work was done, but he was avoiding any editing that was expected from the group.

Part 1: Creating a coherent google doc in response to the job description by all individuals who selected that job. (Almost complete)

Part 2: Creating a plan/script for their entertaining and educational presentation.
Students will go back to their 'mission' group this week and start planning how they are going to present their material in an entertaining and educational manner. They will need some time to share information about all their jobs, and then come up with their plan. Each group will start their own google doc and they will invite me to this doc so that I can see their progress.
I thought that they would need some help with their script/plan (more than what I can give) so this week, I am bringing in the drama/film teacher to talk the students about how to prepare their script/plan.

Part 3: Taking their script/plan and making the presentation. This cannot happen until the plan is approved.

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